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About the song



A 'Bransle' is a fast 16th Century French dance, danced in a line or in a circle,

normally by couples linking arms or holding hands.
Originally it was a folk dance, danced by poor people, but later rich people began to do it too.

Although it started in France it quickly became popular all over Europe

Some other names for it are Branle, Brangle, Brawl or Brawle. 

Stuff to learn

Breath marks

Bransle - 1.png
Make these 2 notes a bit shorter

When we speak we normally breathe in at the start or end of a sentence. If you were to breathe in the middle of a sentence it might make it hard to understand.

It's just the same with music. It's important to breathe in only at places which help the music to sound good, normally at the beginning or end of a phrase.

Often this is obvious and we can work it out ourselves, but sometimes the music tells us where to breathe with breath marks. 

In this piece the breaths aren't there just to keep us alive! They force us to make the notes before them a bit shorter, which sounds good.

Try tonguing it like this:

Bransle - tonguing.png

To do the dt tonguing say dit, then say it so you can't hear the on the end, but so your tongue still goes back against your teeth -- di(t)  - with a cockney accent!

Video tutorial


Now go back to Book 2 and try it with the backing track.

Try using 'Notaion C' - without the letters!

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